We are
the Voice

Ensuring a better representation of cocoa farmers in the national, regional and global consultation frameworks and platforms.
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Why Us

We Unify and Strengthen the voice of cocoa farmers at national, regional and global level.

Quality Representation

We ensure cocoa farmers a quality representation in national, regional and international consultation frameworks.

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Better Collaboration

Seek compromise for a better collaboration between the cocoa farmers, governments, agribusiness, NGOs, and civil society.

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We carry out studies and programs for sustainable cocoa production in compliance with the standards.

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It is desirable to have a dialogue and open debate for sustainable agriculture with smaller cocoa farmers, taking into account their government, industry, NGOs and civil society, so as to have an inclusive and constructive debate for a sustainable World cocoa economy.
Toussaint N’Guessan - President, OMCC-WCPO

From the blog

We publish mostly news, events, and useful resources from around the world relating to Cocoa and Cocoa farmers.

Vice President World Cocoa Producers Organization (WCPO) Sayina Riman congratulates Edmond Konan

Vice President World Cocoa Producers Organization (WCPO) Sayina Riman congratulates Edmond Konan

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