
The World Cocoa Producers Organization was founded at the end of the Constitutive Extraordinary General Assembly held on 20 March, 2015 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

The foremost goal of OMCC-WCPO is to ensure better representation of cocoa producers in meetings and other consultations at the world level.

Then, it is a matter of unifying the voice of producers so that it is heard where needs be, from a qualitative standpoint. We aim to improve relations between the various actors being the governments of producers and consumer countries, industries and civil society organizations.

At OMCC-WCPO, we believe that in order to guarantee sustainable cocoa production, it is necessary to have an inclusive dialogue, which takes into account the opinions of the core producers, governments, civil society, and industrialists.


  • Promoting and protecting the well-being of Cocoa farmers, their families and their communities.
  • Ensuring cocoa farmers a quality representation in national, regional and international consultation frameworks.
  • Unify and strengthen the voice of cocoa farmers at national, regional and global level.
  • Seek compromise for a better collaboration between the cocoa farmers, governments, agribusiness, NGOs, and civil society.
  • Carry out studies and programs for sustainable cocoa production in compliance with the standards.
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History Timeline

Discover the history of the World Cocoa Producers Organization.

  • Accra – Ghana

    October 2007

    The 1st ICCO World Roundtable for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE1) lays the foundation for an integrated consideration of the various issues (legal, institutional, operational, and financial, etc.) marking out cocoa sector.

  • Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago

    March 2009

    2nd ICCO World Round-table for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE). Ten (10) items related to environmental sustainability and producers supports have been selected by the conference to be registered in the global cocoa agenda for sustainable development of the sector.

  • Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

    November 2012

    1st ICCO World Cocoa Conference. Following a study of the challenges, the participants recommended measures to be taken to address these challenges in favor of all stakeholders, especially small farmers in order to ensure the achievement of the goal of a sustainable world cocoa economy.

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    June 2014

    2nd ICCO World Cocoa Conference. It appeared that cocoa farmers do not have a unified voice to convey their concerns and difficulties concerning the global cocoa sector.

  • Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

    March 2015

    ICCO Annual Assembly: The World Cocoa Producers Organization was founded at the end of the Constitutive Extraordinary General Assembly held on 20 March, 2015 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. EARTH OF COCOA.


Learn about the World Cocoa Producers Organization power to act.

1. Ensure a better representation of cocoa farmers in the national, regional and global consultation frameworks and platforms.

2. Bring the contribution of cocoa farmers in discussions on the advent of a sustainable world cocoa economy.
3. Ensure the promotion of the welfare, interest and rights of cocoa farmers worldwide.
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